Evolving international IP and Antitrust policy issues in the United States and the European Union

LeadershIP EU 2017 took place at Steigenberger Wiltcher’s in Brussels, Belgium on September 25, 2017.

Event Details

The LeadershIP global network is comprised of industry experts, thought leaders, and policymakers with diverse viewpoints but with a common goal of engaging with their colleagues in an open-minded dialogue based on rigorous empirical research and analysis for informed policymaking.


Law, Policy and the EU Vision for 5G and IoT

This panel focused on the technical and business challenges for future technologies such as 5G and IoT, the role of technology standards for realizing the vision of these technologies, and licensing models that enable industries reliant on technology standards, including SMEs, startups, and new businesses.

Eeva Hakoranta

Head of Licensing, Nokia

Patrick McCutcheon

Senior Expert IP and competition law at European Commission

Luke McLeroy

Vice President of Business Development, Avanci

Didier Patry

General Manager, France Brevets

Matthias Schneider

Chief Licensing Officer, Audi

Richard Vary

Partner, Bird & Bird

SSOs and IPR Policies: Their Role in Realizing Future Technologies

Panelists discussed the goals and impact of SSO IPR policies towards incentivizing investment in the development of new technologies. The panel will also analyze pros and cons of alternative business models — cooperative SSOs, proprietary technologies, open source, etc. — for generating new technologies.

Bardo Schettini Gherardini

Director of Legal Affairs, European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)

Gregory Sidak

Founder and Chairman, Criterion Economics, L.L.C.

Valérie Hamelin

Legal Counsel Intellectual Property and Licensing, Orange

Disputes: The Role of Courts and Antitrust Agencies in FRAND Related Commercial Developments in the EU and Beyond

This panel reviewed the recent FRAND related developments in the courts across Europe, and the interplay with antitrust law and policy in commercial disputes, as well as the impact of Antitrust Guidelines and decisions for Licensing of IPR in non-EU jurisdictions.

Joachim Bornkamm

Honorary Professor, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg

Antonio Nicita

Commissioner, Italian Regulatory Authority (AGCOM)

Nicolas Petit

Professor, University of Liège School of Law

Qishan Zhao

Director of IPR Policy, ZTE Corporation

Koren Wong-Ervin

Director, Global Antitrust Institute at Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University

International Antitrust Developments: Impact on EU

This panel focused on the global impact of developments in antitrust enforcement and policy relevant to standardization and IPR. This includes the role that antitrust policy plays in promoting industrial and trade policy in jurisdictions around the world and how to address the potential impact on the European economy.

Paul Lugard

Partner, Baker Botts

Luis Ortiz Blanco

Partner, Garrigues

Pedro Velasco Martins

Deputy Head of Unit for Public Procurement and Intellectual Property, DG TRADE, European Commission

Daniel Sokol

Professor, University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law; Senior Of Counsel, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati