LeadershIP EU 2021
Virtual Roundtable | Invitation Only
April 15, 2021
Event Abstract
The last decade witnessed unprecedented success and growing economic importance of wireless technologies. Along with this success, these technologies, developed as “technology standards,” received intense scrutiny from various business interests, policy makers, and researchers. The debate over Standards Essential Patents (“SEPs”) intensified – initially, with no clear answers.
With time, however, new research and evidence has emerged, and there seems to be a global consensus, at least with respect to some basic issues, in policy direction and jurisprudence. Several global court decisions have recently embraced a market-based approach, and the European Commission has committed to facilitating industry led SEP initiatives. As the global industries, including auto, manufacturing, and various IoT devices evolve and embrace 5G as the backbone for connecting, there is momentum for exploring new industry led solutions.
Opening Remarks
The Debate on Standards:
A Look at the Broader Context
Keynote Address
The Future of 5G and IoT:
The Policymaker’s Perspective
Kamil Kiljański
Industry Panel
Standards, IP, and Licensing:
A Constructive Path Forward
Alex Rogers
Roundtable Discussion
Key themes and take-aways for exploring the future direction and new research.